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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Using Cross Stitch or ANY Grid Pattern For Crochet

Most crocheters know that you can use graphs to create designs for crochet, this is called tapestry crochet. Other than making squares and sewing them together, doing single crochet can also create the design. Still confused?
For example: 
(I'm a huge Kirby fan)

This could be a tapestry crochet pattern, or a cross stitch pattern. All you have to do is use single crochet to create this, it's very easy! If you already know how to use graphs, good for you! If not, there are plenty tutorials and videos on how to do it. But that's not ALL!
You can also use images such as these:

Every bead = 1 single crochet = or one crochet square(you could make a rug!) All you have to do is get some graph paper and draw the design.
The possibilities are endless! And making your own designs on graph paper is easy. Pinterest is a great place to find images like these, or just Google Image searching! I hope that I have enlightened you on crochet designs that you can make, and hopefully you will use them in the future to make fantastical creations! ANY QUESTIONS = COMMENT

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Wiggly Crochet Anyone? With Links for How-To

Pinterest is a gift from Heaven! I was feeling uninspired for the longest time, I couldn't figure out what I wanted to crochet!!! Then came Wiggly Crochet! It's looks so cool, to me at least. It may look a bit confusing but I got the hang of it VERY quickly.
^This is the site I used when I first started, but there are plenty videos on Youtube that may be more helpful. I prefer this site though for picture tutorials:
^This site has a LOT of pictures of wiggly crochet, great for inspiration!

I think that these would work great is you put pots on them, I think they are called hot pads. I plan on making a whole bunch of them, and sewing them together to make a rug for my room!
Here are some pictures of Wiggly Crochet that I have done so far:

This one is my favorite!

Quite interesting colors.
This is one that I am currently working on.
So what are you waiting for? Start Wiggling!